Acoustic Fluid Logger IV

Computerized Fluid Levels
Using Your Own Field Computer

The Acoustic Fluid Logger IV uses your field computer to pick the fluid level in a well and display it on your computer screen.
The user-friendly Sage AFL software allows the operator to fine-tune or recalculate fluid level by moving the start of shot, the depth of fluid level, or the event of fixed depth (such as perforations, or a tubing anchor), and then re-examining the resulting data. The software not only calculates the fluid level, but also give you the ability to predict future production.
Sage Technologies designed the Acoustic Fluid Logger IV to work with any Windows computer. Allowing an operator to use his own portable computer makes AFL IV both more compact and more affordable than a bulky system with a captive computer. Plus, the software can be installed on your field office and engineering office computers, as well.
AFL IV - How it works

The Acoustic Fluid Logger IV is straightforward and easy to operate. First, the Pressure Pulse Gas Gun is connected to the wellhead. A microphone cable connects the Pressure Pulse Gun to the Acoustic Fluid Logger IV. A USB cable attaches the fluid logger to the operator’s portable computer.
The Pressure Pulse Gas Gun is charged with compressed gas. When the gun is fired, the echo reflecting from the liquid and the collars is registered by the microphone inside the gas gun and transmitted to the fluid logger, which transfers data to the computer.
The software displays the fluid level test as a graph on the computer screen, and the program calculates the fluid level depth.
Calculating Gas Afterflow
with Sage Pressure Transducer

When attached to the top of the gas gun, the Sage Pressure Transducer completes a small pressure casing buildup before taking the fluid level shot. This enables calculation of the gas afterflow in the casing or in the wellbore. The resulting gas afterflow measurement allows calculation of the percentage of true liquid in the fluid column, which in turn registers a more accurate true fluid level depth.
The Sage Pressure Transducer stores inside the fluid logger box for easy transport. The Sage Pressure Transducer attaches to the top of the Pressure Pulse Gun at the quick connect, instead of the usual pressure gauge. Cables connect both the pressure transducer and the internal microphone in the Pressure Pulse Gun to the Acoustic Fluid Logger IV unit.
Sage AFL software
fine-tunes the fluid level

Zoom Liquid Level
Since no two oil or gas wells are quite the same, the software allows ample room for customization. Graph manipulation tools in the software allow the operator to zoom in on the fluid level pick, the compressed gas shot, and the site of any fixed event in the well, such as a tubing anchor.
The Zoom Liquid Level plot shown above is just one of the detailed data plots available with the Sage AFL software. The Zoom Liquid Level tool allows the operator to zoom in on the portion of the graph that shows the liquid fluid level in the oil or gas well -- the point where the compressed gas shot reflects off the fluid column. This creates a magnified view of the actual liquid level.

The software graphs also show another feature of the Sage AFL software: the click-and-move Colored Cursors.
Colored Cursors depict:
Start of compressed gas shot which begins the fluid level test (red cursor)
Fluid level (blue cursor)
Event of fixed depth inside the wellbore, such as a tubing anchor (green cursor).
Sage AFL
Fluid Level Software
Acoustic Fluid Logger IV and the Sage AFL software produce quick and easy Fluid Level Reports in .pdf form and provide in depth information on a well.
The following screen shots show many of the options available for customizing fluid level reports.
Zoom Pressure Plot

Calculated Bottom Hole Pressure

Positive Shot

Reverse Shot

Zoom Liquid Level

Fluid Level
Well Diagram

Zoom Shot Start

Enter Constant Depth
(of tubing anchor, perforations, etc.)